Current News


Photo Gallery

Simple Photo Gallery

A picture really is worth a thousand words. Photos help show off items, demonstrate ideas, train other individuals, showcase homes for sale and so much more. Sometimes a variety of photographs are used together to display the different features of a single item or perhaps you have a variety of items under a single category. Below is an example of a simple gallery. However, features can get very complex with javascript and ajax being used to display larger photos, zoom…

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Movie Rental Store

Its Friday night and you’re looking for something fun to do with the family. Video Unlimited has lots of solutions, just grab one of the newest releases. To make your video selection easier, we designed a new layout and a new look for the site. Now, its easy to find that movie you’ve been waiting to see. The home page is filled with the newest movies on DVD  and Blue Ray, while coming soon tells you what to be anticipating…

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Cinema Site ~ Movie Theater

The site for Fieldstone Cinemas was a more complicated solution than most. The site had to do more than just provide information. This information had to be presented in a beautiful, easy to understand format with perfect timing. The now playing page is for the current movies and show times this week. This page provides the user with auto scrolling content and the ability to navigate the information. Coming Soon provides a dual function with the ability to see show…

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Masters of CS5

BCO Keeping our workers current on technology

Here at BCO, we are always training to keep up with current technology. I must admit that sometimes the training feels like a fully time job itself. However, staying at the top of one’s game is critical to success in this industry. We want to be able to deliver the best, most up-to-date solutions to our customers. That is why we upgraded our design software to Adobe CS5 before the software even hit the open market. To ensure all of…

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Dental Lab

BCO for professional website design and development

A dental lab in the north Georgia mountains contacted us for a new marketing plan. They needed a complete remake from top to bottom. Read the full article and share your comments on the results.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Having a website is the first step towards online advertising. However, having a fantastic site means nothing if existing and potential customers cannot find it. That is why we include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with every [intlink id=”the-design-process” type=”page”]site we build[/intlink]. Even if someone else created your site for you, we can still provide you with a search engine optimization package. The process begins with an online meeting. During this meeting, we look over your existing site, discuss your current…

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Best Customized Office Supplies

Whether you work for a large institution or own a small business, consistently building your brand is essential to success. BCO understands that your company’s first impression is the most important one and you don’t want it to be the last one. Every time you have a customized product, your business is creating a brand image for your customers to remember. BCO is your comprehensive source for custom marketing materials and office supplies. Affordable custom printing makes your business stand out without…

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Website Hosting

Once your site is [intlink id=”the-design-process” type=”page”]designed[/intlink], you will want people to be able to access it.  In order to do this, we set-up web hosting for your site.  Think of it as your site’s home on the web.  This home is located on a special type of computer called a web server. While some companies offer you a corner in shanty town at an exorbitant rate, we give you a mansion at an affordable price.  We strive to offer…

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Updates & Maintenance

You business is constantly changing and you need your website to be able to change with it. We include a variety of methods and options to keep your site up-to-date and current. First and foremost, we keep our servers updated through regular upgrades.  This keeps the most current and cutting-edge software features at your fingers tips.  It also helps keep your site safe from hackers with the latest security patches and updates. Second, we don’t just create a website for you,…

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